STCube Initiates a CRO Contract for Development of COVID-19 Treatment Using ‘STT-003’ 관리자 │ 2020-03-23 HIT 261838 |
the 23rd, STCube Inc., a bio company specializing in developing anti-cancer
immunotherapies, announced that it entered into a contract with Nexelis, a
contract research organization (CRO) in Canada, for development of COVID-19 treatment. Nexelis is a contract research organization based in Canada, and is reported to have recently entered into contract research agreements with a number of multinational pharmaceutical companies regarding development of various COVID-19 treatments. The antibody against ‘STT-003,’ which is the subject of the on-going clinical development for anti-cancer immunotherapy by STCube, is reported to facilitate immune reactions in a human body by inducing the secretions of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and Interferon-γ. These cytokines are known to regulate and stimulate immune cells. As immune-checkpoint inhibitors such as ‘STT-003’ antibodies are applied to patients with COVID-19, significant treatment effects as an antiviral therapeutic agent are expected since antibody production and immune reactions from T cells are induced. It is expected that this antibody will be particularly effective on elderly patients and those with impaired immune functions due to an underlying problem. One official of STCube stated: “This CRO contract was made based on research findings that as the ‘STT-003’ antibody facilitates immune reactions, it can be effective as an antiviral therapy. We will put spurs to develop a treatment, actively seeking collaborations with global companies that are developing COVID-19 treatments as necessary." <End> |
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